Personal skills and competences


Abstract - Technical - Computer - Language - Social - Organisational

Competences > Abstract

    Pedagogical assessment (...).

    Pedagogical practice (...).

    Psychological assessment (neuropsychological, cognitive, psychometric assessment).

    Psychological intervention (cognitive stimulation, cognitive rehabilitation, psychopedagogical reeducation).

    Research activities (cognition: activity, cognitive architecture, attention, distraction; individual differences: cognitive impairments, age-related cognitive changes, cognitive interrelations).

Competences > Technical skills and competences

    Competent in majority of the phases of psychological assessment : (i) Interview ; (ii) Formulation of the problem and assumptions ; (iii) (Neuro)psychological assessment ; (iv) Data processing and statistical analysis ; (v) Interpretation and discussion of the results ; (vi) Dissemination of the results (assessed person, applicant, medical team).

    Competent in all the phases of experimental research in cognitive psychology: (i) Bibliographic research and state-of-art review ; (ii) Formulation of the problem and assumptions ; (iii) Experiment design and conduct ; (iv) Data processing and statistical analysis ; (v) Interpretation and discussion of the results ; (vi) Dissemination of the results (conference, stakeholders).

    Psychological Tests : Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Boston Naming Test, Trail Making Test (TMT), Tower of London Test, Posner Test, Stroop Test, Switching Test, Cancellation Test, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT).

    Competent in some ICT for education teacher : (i) Numerical whiteboard (TBI, TNI, VPI) ; (ii) Tablets computer (iPad) ; (iii) Numerical applications (Smart board, Workspace, Interwrite).

    Competent in some ICT for education schooler : (i) … ; (ii) … ; (iii) … ; (iv) … ; (v) ….

Competences > Computer skills and competences

    Competent with iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) or Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) under different operating systems (Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows).

    Competent with Programming language (HTML, HTML5, XHTML, CSS, CSS3, GitHub).

    Research applications : Scientific document typesetting software (LaTeX, BibTeX, TeXmaker), Experimental lab software (Superlab), Statistical softwares (Statistica, SPSS), Sound editor software (Amadeus) and Scientific reference management software (Mendeley, Research Gate).

    Education applications : Tableau Blanc Interactif (TBI) (Smartboard), Tableau Numérique Interactif (TNI) (Smartboard), VideoProjecteur Interactif (VPI) (Epson), Education applications (Smart Notebook, Interwrite Workspace, ActivInspire), Tablets computer (iPad), Teaching applications (for example, Myriae, Edumoov, Explain Everthing Classic), Education applications (for exemple, Calcul@tice, iBooks, Etherpad).

Competences > Language
    Mother tongue : French
    Others languages : English (...), Spanish (...)

Competences > Social skills and competences
    Collaborations with researchers from different backgrounds (cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, clinical psychology, engineering, computer sciences) in various types of multidisciplinary research environments both in academia (fundamental research teams) and industry (applied research teams).

Competences > Organisational skills and competences
    No organisational skills and competences, to date.

Competences > Drving skills licence(s)

    Category B.